Tag Archives: Republic

All Great Societies In World History Have Died When The Moochers And Looters Become The Majority

All great societies in World history have died when the moochers and looters become the majority. Whether you look at past empires like the Roman Empire or modern day countries on the verge of collapse.  When moochers and looters become the majority they die.

This simple truth has always been the Achilles heel of the collectivist’s forms of government since their systems are completely built on everyone depending on the government and essentially becoming the looters and moochers. Of course the reality in the collectivist forms of government is the masses are the slaves to the real looters, the suppressive and murderous tyrants in charge.

Our great republic had thrived like no other in the history of the world because we were based on individual freedom paired with self reliance. How much self reliance is there when 49.5% of the people in this country take but don’t pitch in at all? Inherent in the meaning of self reliance is that you will pay your own way. And by choice are willing to pitch in to the community in a fair and just way for services we all share. The USA no longer fits this description.  The USA is dangerously close to its death because we have allowed the biggest crooks of all in Washington DC to create a whole group of looters and moochers they could count on buying their votes at election time!  We now have 49.5% of all Americans don’t pay income taxes.  This is an ominous sign that this great Republic is near its death.


See the whole article this chart is taken from:


I would argue that not only are the 49.5% not paying income taxes but they are in the negative meaning they are actually taking from us all. They don’t pay taxes and yet receive the same services from the government that we do. A large number are even are on the government dole receiving unemployment, welfare, and other forms of government handout.

This picture clearly shows the fact that we are already engaged in unjust, immoral confiscation and redistribution. We have been for some time. The only just and moral system for taxation in this country would be one in which everyone contributes.  Something like a flat tax or the Fair Tax Plan.  In a flat tax everyone pays 10% (or other flat rate) of their income. No write offs or loopholes. In The Fair Tax everyone that makes a purchase contributes.   At the bare minimum if we don’t force this ridiculous system to be changed then at the very least, only the 50.5% of Americans contributing should have a vote in any and all elections.   We are dangerously close to the majority being the moochers and looters. This majority will always vote for the crooks in Washington that will steal from the producers and hand out the loot to them. Thus the failure is built right into this scenario of looters and moochers becoming the majority. It cannot be sustained.

There is time to save this great Republic and everything it stood for but we are running out of time. May God Bless America………….as he did the Founding Fathers. We need his help more than ever.  FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BIBLE and you can’t go wrong, follow anything else and you get the same tired tyranny, corruption, lawlessness, collectivism, and all sorts of suffering as world history has shown to be the unfortunate norm.

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The Real Gift

First I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!

A lot will be said about the glorious day Jesus was born and about the current  attack and attempted destruction of Christmas’s real meaning.  As I reflect on all the commercialism and gift giving I try and find the real meaning in all the hustle and bustle surrounding this time. With exception of a minority of people trying to keep the real meaning of Christmas alive it’s difficult to find the real meaning of Christmas in most of our modern traditions.  I personally have no real beef with the commercial and capitalist side of Christmas. With freedom we have choices and there are many ways to celebrate. However, the real meaning must be kept alive in our hearts and minds.  Most importantly kept alive by passing them on to the next generation. 

On Christmas Jesus was born. God had bestowed his son and love upon the world.  From God came the ideas and principles we call Judeo Christian principles. This gift to mankind changed  the world. It brought light to the darkness and light to the world. This is the Christmas Gift that matters, the gift we are all benefiting from to this day and should be celebrating. This is the gift we must pass on to the next generations. From Judeo Christian principles came such ideas as every human life being  important. From their faith, our Founding Fathers believed God  bestowed all people with individual liberty. From such ideas came this great Republic that changed the world forever. We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for.

Even though this is the source of our blessings  Christianity and Freedom are under severe attack more than ever. Tyrants and evil doers have always despised Christianity. From Christianity and Judeo Christian values you get the very light that shines through the evil doers and tyrants darkness. This light shines through their evil ways  and lies and usually  has been their undoing. This is why they constantly attack Christianity. If they can finally kill Christianity and the Judeo Christian principles, they can finally kill Freedom and rule with their tyranny.

Christianity and Christmas are being attacked in our schools, public settings, and throughout this great land. Yet the source of everything we hold dear and important come from this light upon the world. The connection between the most dominant faith in the United States and our freedoms is a foreign concept to many. This is a symptom of the evil doers partial success in attacking Christianity. If in fact that seems to be a stretch to connect these two ideas I suggest two very enjoyable and easy to read books:  The 5000 Year Leap by  W. Cleon Skousen   and 7 Tipping Points That Saved The World  by Chris Stewart and Ted Stewart. These are an easy starting place to undo the misinformation that is part of the attack on these ideas.

Christmas is a time to reflect on the most important gift of all and make sure we pass this precious gift on to the next generations. 

God Bless and Merry Christmas!


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Democracy Sucks!

I am getting sick of hearing the call for democracy. Democracy is not a good thing. Our Founding Fathers were very clear that they did not want to create a democracy. Democracies have a very clear historical record of being short lived and very transitory. History shows that as they quickly die, they transition into other forms of government. More often than not, they transition into something much more oppressive.

Democracies by definition are basically mob rule. That is what a democracy is. The majority rules whether the majority is good or bad, moral or immoral, principled or not.   Our founding fathers were very well read men who had studied governments throughout history and were aware of this. They made it clear in their writings that they did not want to form a democracy; instead they created a Republic. Specifically they created a representative Republic. The Republic our Founding Fathers created was based on principles like our unalienable individual liberty. Liberals hate when a line is drawn in the sand based on black and white principles because they have no principles and don’t want to be held to any principles.

Over time many have put their own twist on our form of government calling it a “democratic Republic”. Then people with ulterior motives twisted that into “democracy” and the ignorant among us started to latch on to that as if it were true. Now it’s so common place that essentially generations in our country don’t even know our true form of government is a Republic.

Watch this 10 minute video on the difference between a democracy and a republic. This video is an extremely well done history lesson that is worth your time.


When I hear politicians, news people, pundits and others cheering on democracy movements in the Middle East or around the world I cringe. Even worse we have people as high up in our government the president claiming we are a democracy. This is a huge red flag signaling they are truly ignorant to our form of government and history or they have an agenda to brainwash the masses into believing it is something other than what our Founding Fathers created so they can eventually get away with destroying it. Either way it’s appalling. I hear this from both parties, from people that seem to really understand the Constitution, and people I even for the most part have respect for. How can we protect the miracle of freedom if we don’t he know the form of government our Founding Fathers created to protect it?

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one  generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the  bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

We must learn how freedom was won and protected before we can continue this miracle!

Democracy SUCKS!  I’ll
take our great Republic!

Liberty Must Prevail

May God Bless America

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